Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Communicate with your customers; get to know them!

The experience economy is more about how you sell something than what you actually sell. Forget about product distinction. Today’s retail market is short on the ‘distinct experience’ – create one and you create an instant relationship with your customers.

Knowing your customer also provides you with the ability to offer them products and a service level that they are always on the lookout for. Understanding how to better communicate you brand image to the customer is also key. The customer is KING – this is as true today, as when the phrase was first coined.

Like any relationship, making it works takes trust, understanding, commitment and support – in other words – get to know your customer, make your promise and then ensure that all elements are synchronized to nurture the bond.

Ishwar Chugani
Executive Director
Giordano Middle East 


  1. As always Ishwar, you know and have the pulse of the market!


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